Industry database / Warrior Invictus Holding Company, Inc.
Warrior Invictus Holding Company, Inc.

The company was founded on December 14, 1920 as the Chicago Ice Producers Mutual Liability Company. Originally organized as a mutual insurance company, its initial purpose was to insure the members of the Chicago District Ice Association for general liability, Workers Compensation, public liability for horses and wagons, and commercial vehicle insurance. In the 1930’s, the company expanded into insuring the private passenger vehicles of the owners and employees of the ice companies. During the 1970’s and 1980’s, the company evolved from its original focus as a commercial lines insurer to become an automobile insurer. At the end of 1994, the Board of Directors decided to exit the Workers Compensation and general liability lines and concentrate on the personal and commercial auto lines of business. In 2006, the company was converted from a mutual form of governance to a stock company. It was renamed First Chicago Insurance Company, and became a subsidiary of J & P Holdings, Inc. Since joining the J & P Holdings organization, the company has added a non-standard personal auto program, a niche taxi/livery commercial auto program, and an Artisan General Liability program to supplement its preferred risk personal auto and commercial auto programs. In addition, the company also added a Workers Compensation line of business to serve its taxi/livery policyholders.

Total assets
Public company
Loss ratio

Gross written premium

Loss ratio

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