Ledger Investing Expands Capabilities to Further Advance the Casualty ILS Market Learn more
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Cutting-edge analytics for your portfolio

Maintain your edge in the insurance marketplace by reacting to trends in real-time


Insights to take your business to the next level

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Real-time modeling

Don’t wait weeks or months for valuable insights. If an unexpected large claim comes in today, you can have a full analysis of the claim’s impact on your program by tomorrow.

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Holistic modeling

Fit multiple models to your data, ranking each one by trustworthiness to help you understand sensitivity, before blending all results together by predicted performance to provide a consistent, holistic view.

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Better decisions

Our fully Bayesian models provide a full distribution of plausible outcomes to communicate uncertainty. You can make critical decisions confidently by applying your own judgment and expertise on top of our projections.

Ready to get started?

Tell us about your programs and we’ll show you much Ledger can improve your economics and take your business to the next level.